Culture of Urban Graffiti: The Importance of Graffiti in Urban Landscape


  • Arezoo khani Eastern Mediterranean university, Turkey



Graffiti, Culture, Contemporary Street Art, Urban Landscape


Culture is a key factor in the fields of architecture and urban design; and designs face different users with different cultures. However, the resultant of urban design, architecture and arts, as different dimensions of design, is found in culture. Graffiti is an artistic movement, which is visualized mostly in the urban texture. In the contemporary era humans still continue to leave their signs in different places. Writing on the walls is an extension of people's willingness to leave a sign in the urban spaces. It is not just countries that people consider as their homes, but they consider streets also as living spaces; and graffiti art is more prevalent in this scale.4 According to the concept of graffiti design, this paper includes five parts: first part is theoretical background of graffiti and its graffiti, second part contains definitions of different graffiti types, third part points to graffiti as part of the urban landscape, forth part, more importantly, graffiti as president of culture in urban scale; and the last part concludes by projecting the importance of graffiti in urban landscape and the meaning of different cultures in graffiti.


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How to Cite

khani, A. (2020). Culture of Urban Graffiti: The Importance of Graffiti in Urban Landscape. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 3(1), 206–214.