The Critical Mass: A Trigger Parameter For Cultural And Creative Cluster Strategies In Metropolises


  • Amira Manel Zouaoui Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria
  • Hichem Zitoune Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria
  • Meriem Chabou Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria



Critical mass, metropolises, clustering process, cultural cluster, urban development


Cultural clusters are considered to be means by which cities become metropolises and accelerate urban development. Therefore, the presence of resources and actors “critical mass” is the main condition for initiating a clustering process. Indeed, the critical mass is the threshold to be reached for a city, beyond which it would improve its competitiveness and attractiveness. Once this is achieved, positive externalities make it possible, to establish substantial urban and cultural projects. Thus, what interactions and parameters can exist between a cultural cluster and the city? The scope of our contribution is based on the analysis of proactive and reactive intra-urban dynamics around such a cultural urban project and its mechanisms. It appears that the search for “critical mass” is not a reference threshold applicable to all territories hosting a cluster. Each one is characterized by different conditions; given that Cultural and Creative Industries require mainly on-site production and consumption. Our paper compares three clusters cases at different development stages, through a benchmark assessment method: an embryonic cluster in Fez, a museum cluster in Istanbul and the cultural cluster of Florence. This is how this comparison challenges us, being at the crossroads of the local environment and global forces.


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How to Cite

Manel Zouaoui, A., Zitoune, H., & Chabou, M. (2020). The Critical Mass: A Trigger Parameter For Cultural And Creative Cluster Strategies In Metropolises. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 3(1), 337–350.