Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Urban Morphology of Costal CitiesThe Case of Alanya City


  • Dilara Kalli Alanya HEP University, Faculty of Architecture, Alanya, Turkey
  • Ümit Şahin Alanya HEP University, Faculty of Architecture, Alanya, Turkey
  • Rokhsaneh Rahbarianyazd Alanya HEP University, Faculty of Architecture, Alanya, Turkey



Rapid Urbanization, Urban Morphology, Coastal cities, Typomorphological analysis


Rapid urbanization comes after push and pull factors of urbanization. These factors are considered as employment, greater opportunities and better facilities. It consequently brings high demand on built facilities which consequently bring several problems comprising reduction of forest and agricultural lands, lack of transportation and infrastructure, and mental health issues. In addition rapid urbanization has often led to unplanned urbanization and unconscious decisions of urban planners. These kinds of development is facing with dramatic changes on urban morphology. This study through typomorphological analysis tries to find out the outcomes of rapid urbanization in coastal city of Alanya. Also the study tries to provide an opportunity for its planned transformation for the future development.


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How to Cite

Kalli, D., Şahin, Ümit, & Rahbarianyazd, R. (2019). Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Urban Morphology of Costal CitiesThe Case of Alanya City. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 2(1), 605–615.