Sustainable Development Strategy of Tourism Destination in Widuri Beach, Pemalang, Indonesia


  • Suzanna Ratih Sari Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Agung Budi Sardjono Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Fariz Hilmy Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia



Tourism Development, Sustainable Development, Tourism Attraction, Strategy of Sustainable Tourism Development, Widuri Beach Pemalang


Widuri Beach is one of the beaches on the northern coast of Java Island, Indonesia, which is presently, quite crowded with domestic tourists. This beach is one of the main attractions in Pemalang Regency as it starts from natural scenery and facilities that support the tourism offered. However, there is a problem that occurs on the beach, that is the level of visitors which has been decreasing year by year. Some of the reasons are that Widuri beach is generally less attractive, tends to be monotonous because there are no variations in attractions created. The beach itself tends to be dirty and some of the supporting facilities available are damaged. Such condition will further influence tourists to be reluctant to move to the other attractions. Therefore, there is a need for research on the development of sustainable tourism aimed at improving the quality of Widuri Beach so that the level of tourist visits can increase again. A qualitative research approach used as a method in this research. By using Green Tourism Concept,  output of research can be used as a recommendation as well as evaluation for the local government  to continue optimizing assets ofregion to be more maintained and sustainable.


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How to Cite

Ratih Sari, S., Budi Sardjono, A., & Fariz Hilmy, M. (2019). Sustainable Development Strategy of Tourism Destination in Widuri Beach, Pemalang, Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 2(1), 616–628.