Guidelines for Enhancing the Learning Environment by the Integration of Design Flexibility and Immersive Technology (The Case of the British University in Egypt’s Classrooms)


  • M.Sc.Student. Eman Ayman Department of Architecture, Faculty Of Engineering, The British University in Egypt, Egypt
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gehan Nagy Department of Architecture, Faculty Of Engineering, The British University in Egypt, Egypt



Flexibility, learning Space, learning Environment, Interior Design, Immersive Technology


The trend towards developing the space and technology in educational institutions is crucial for enhancing the learning
environment. According to Basdogan & Morrone (2021), there is a lack of flexible learning spaces that accommodate all
changes, educational needs, and technological development. This study aimed to develop guidelines for enhancing learning
environment by the integration of design flexibility and immersive technology. The study adopted mixed method approach:
qualitative and quantitative methods, integrating the theoretical study of the flexible learning spaces design and immersive
technology literature review into the applied study of proposing flexible technological learning space in the British
university in Egypt. Study findings determined the incapability of traditional learning spaces to adapt with all users needs
in comparison to the proposed flexible technological learning space. The study concluded with the proposed guidelines,
the limitations and further study recommendations.


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How to Cite

Ayman, E., & Nagy, G. (2024). Guidelines for Enhancing the Learning Environment by the Integration of Design Flexibility and Immersive Technology (The Case of the British University in Egypt’s Classrooms). Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 10–22.