Unveiling the Spiritual Essence in Contemporary Bahraini Mosques through Architectural Phenomenology


  • Manar Buhusain Department of Architecture and Interior Design, University of Bahrain
  • Prof. Dr. Najlaa Allani Department of Architecture and Interior Design, University of Bahrain




Architecture, Contemporary, Light, Mosques, Phenomenology


This research explores the impact of light phenomenology on user experience in contemporary mosques, focusing on
mosques in Bahrain. The research aims to understand the significance of architectural phenomenology, and how light
can contribute to affecting the user experience, particularly in smaller contemporary mosques. The theoretical study
delves into the role of architecture in shaping space, a detailed examination of light phenomenology, its role in sacred
spaces, and its effects on human beings. The case study involves a phenomenological analysis of three contemporary
mosques, considering building orientation, natural light fenestration, material qualities, and artificial lighting. The
results indicate that despite the absence of traditional Islamic elements, contemporary mosques in Bahrain
successfully create a spiritual atmosphere through the integration of natural light. User surveys reveal a preference
for mosques that provide a sense of spirituality, emphasizing the importance of light in enhancing the sacred


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How to Cite

Buhusain, M., & Allani, N. (2024). Unveiling the Spiritual Essence in Contemporary Bahraini Mosques through Architectural Phenomenology. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 65–73. https://doi.org/10.38027/ICCAUA2024EN0102