Identification of the Abderrahmane Bouchama's Architectural Approach Assessed by the Semiotic Model in the Algerian Post-Independence Architecture


  • Ph.D. Candidate Sarra Meliani-Djerrai Ville -Architecture et Patrimoine Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (EPAU), Algiers, Algeria
  • Prof. Dr. Youcef Chennaoui Ville -Architecture et Patrimoine Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (EPAU), Algiers, Algeria



Islamic architecture, post-independence period, Abderrahmane Bouchama, Architectural and aesthetic features, Semiotic analysis


Islamic architecture is among the most significant architectural trends favored by Algerian authorities since the
independence of the country in 1962. Numerous official buildings in the capital Algiers illustrate authentic
“Algerian architecture”, derived from the pre-colonial Heritage. Our study aims to produce a matrix for the
Islamic referents, showcased in the façades designed by Abderrahmane Bouchama, a leading figure of this trend.
To achieve this goal, we resorted to a semiotic investigation of the facades of two of Bouchama’s notorious
buildings: the headquarters of the Birkhadem National Archives, and the Caroubier University of Islamic Sciences
(Algiers). By applying the Levy-Spigai Analysis framework to our case studies, we were able to determine the
architectural Islamic components used in Bouchama’s architecture. The main purpose of our study is to edit a
set of architectural and aesthetic rules as a guidance, providing a normative design guide to Algerian architects.


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How to Cite

Meliani-Djerrai, S., & Chennaoui, Y. (2024). Identification of the Abderrahmane Bouchama’s Architectural Approach Assessed by the Semiotic Model in the Algerian Post-Independence Architecture. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 75–90.