Video Oyunları Seviye Tasarımı için Mimari Tasarım Süreci


  • Hakan Hacıoğlu Gebze Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Türkiye
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Funda Tan Bayram Gebze Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Türkiye



Architecture, Video Game, Level Design, Gamespace, Design Process


In this study, the similarities of the design process between video game level spaces and the architectural design
process, as a spatial production, and the methods that can be used will be examined. In this context, the issue of video
game level design will be discussed, the architectural representation techniques and methods, including the softwares
used in these level design process will be shown. The basic design tools in architecture will also be examined in this
sense and the techniques of use in level design will be explained with examples. An architectural design process
approach in level design will be explored, and methods similar to architectural design process and representation tools
in level design will be explained. To be able to understand the design process similarities for both architectural designs
and video game level designs, a system will be tried to be revealed with an architectural approach.


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How to Cite

Hacıoğlu, H., & Bayram, F. T. (2024). Video Oyunları Seviye Tasarımı için Mimari Tasarım Süreci. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 149–156.