Landmarks to Lived experiences: A comparative study of Bahrain World Trade Center and Bahrain Bay Towers


  • Kavithasree Suvarna Department of Architecture and Interior Design, University of Bahrain
  • Prof. Najla Allani Department of Architecture and Interior Design, University of Bahrain



Bahrain Landmark architecture, Lived experiences, Sense of Place, Urban design, User experience


The potential reverberation of urban development on the cityscape through its building functions and heights
generates a skyline, creating an aesthetic geographical pattern. Some have a tagline of being iconic, while others strive
to attain it. The term 'iconic' is an emblem of expression, a mixture of traditional and contemporary design, and,
foremost, the city's oldest superstructure. Bahrain has been fast progressing, exemplified by its wonderous skylines
and a blend from old to new. Bahrain World Trade Centre is one of its so-called 'iconic' and has won many awards
around the globe for its sustainability aspect, while others are popping out of the datum, one of them is the
contemporary Bahrain Bay Towers, with a pride of being the tallest building in the skyline of Manama. This study
conducts pilot research comparing two superstructures, focusing on the perceptions and sensory experiences of
people living among them.


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How to Cite

Suvarna, K., & Allani, N. (2024). Landmarks to Lived experiences: A comparative study of Bahrain World Trade Center and Bahrain Bay Towers. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 468–474.