The Transition To Artificial Intelligence -Based Solutions For Improving Energy Efficiency In Urban Environments


  • Ph.D. Candidate. MENAI Ikram Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Hydraulics Laboratory (LGCH), University 08 mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria
  • Dr. SALAH SALAH Hana Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Hydraulics Laboratory (LGCH), University 08 mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria
  • Dr KHELIL Sara Department of Architecture, University Mohamed Khider, Biskra, Algeria
  • Ph.D. Candidate. AIDAOUI Amina Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Hydraulics Laboratory (LGCH), University 08 mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria
  • Dr DJOUAD Fatima Zahra Department of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Hydraulics Laboratory (LGCH), University 08 mai 1945, Guelma, Algeria



Urban environments, urban design, Artificial intelligence (AI), Energy efficiency, Sustinability


The urban landscape is rapidly evolving towards sustainable, energy-efficient practices, thanks in large part to the
integration of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. This study explores the dynamic transition to AI-based
technologies for improving energy efficiency in urban environments. AI is emerging as a powerful tool for
optimizing energy consumption, streamlining infrastructure operations and fostering smart, resilient urban
ecosystems. The study examines various applications of AI, highlighting the essential role advanced technologies
play in revolutionizing conventional approaches to urban energy management, and illustrating how these
technologies can contribute to the creation of self-sufficient urban spaces. It examines the implementation of AIbased energy networks, smart energy storage solutions and the integration of renewable energy into urban
planning, and also looks at the potential challenges and ethical considerations associated with its adoption. It
addresses issues such as data privacy, algorithmic biases and the need for transparent decision-making processes.
This research is a literature review that aims to contribute to the current discourse on creating smart, energyefficient cities.


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How to Cite

MENAI, I., SALAH SALAH, H., KHELIL, S., AIDAOUI, A., & DJOUAD, F. Z. (2024). The Transition To Artificial Intelligence -Based Solutions For Improving Energy Efficiency In Urban Environments. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 562–567.