Historical Foundations to Modern Innovations of Urban Village


  • Ph.D. Student Derrick Mirindi School of Architecture and Planning, Morgan State University, USA
  • Ph.D. Candidate Fatemeh Yazdandoust School of Architecture and Planning, Morgan State University, USA




Urban Village, Sustainability, Urban Planning, Traditional Village


In recent decades, the importance of historical villages has been widely acknowledged because of their aesthetic and
ecological contributions. Additionally, they have the potential to promote local socioeconomic growth through heritage
valorization. The urban village concept, essential for sustainable urban development, has evolved significantly from its
traditional village origins. It is based on historical sustainability practices, which include environmental, social, and economic
dimensions. Over time, this concept has been reinterpreted into modern urban planning, primarily focusing on
developments. This research examines urban villages' historical evolution, modern transformation, and their important role
in current urban development. It analyzes the sustainability aspects of historic villages, their transition into modern urban
villages, the distinct spatial and organizational shifts in contemporary contexts, and the essential design principles for today's
urban community design. Furthermore, integrating advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart
grids in urban villages, exemplified by Kelvin Grove and Seattle projects in Australia and United States respectively, has
revolutionized resource management and energy efficiency, further aligning the urban village concept with contemporary
sustainability goals. This study emphasizes the growing relevance of the urban model village in promoting sustainable urban


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How to Cite

Mirindi, D., & Yazdandoust, F. (2024). Historical Foundations to Modern Innovations of Urban Village. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 605–613. https://doi.org/10.38027/ICCAUA2024EN0191