The Impact of Land Uses and Circulation External Factors Influencing Action Area Planning AAP Actual and Broader Boundaries


  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed M. Youssef Urban Planning Department, Faculty Of Urban and Regional Planning, Cairo University, Egypt



Spatial Planning, Waterfront Planning, Land uses, Movement Circulation, Urban Planning


This research aims to highlight the importance of identifying the actual and comprehensive boundaries in action area
planning AAP (broader AAP Boundaries), the larger the importance of the AAP the larger the external influences on
the Spatial Planning process and methodology. Projects such as River Nile Waterfront Action Area Planning involve
many parameters to be considered in identifying the impact of external factors that influence the actual process of
Waterfront Spatial planning, the research discussing these factors to rationalize such process. The research’s main
results such as movement circulation, densities, activities and land uses in the broader boundaries represent
important factors to be considered in spatial urban planning of action areas’ formulation, to vitalize the efficiency
and effectiveness of planning goals. The research methodology determines the theoretical external factors
influencing AAP boundaries and then reflects the theoretical framework on a case study concerning the spatial
planning of Cairo’s River Nile Waterfront District.


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How to Cite

Youssef, M. M. (2024). The Impact of Land Uses and Circulation External Factors Influencing Action Area Planning AAP Actual and Broader Boundaries. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 659–671.