Urban Development in the City of Hippo Regius in Algeria according to Ancient Iconography. Case Study of the Mosaic of the Seafront Villa


  • Ph.D. Candidate Amara Sabrina ETAP Laboratory, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Blida 1 University, Algeria
  • Dr. Dalila Houglaouene ETAP Laboratory, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Blida 1 University, Algeria
  • Dr. Meriem Naimi Ait-Aoudia OVAMUS Laboratory, Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Blida 1 University, Algeria




Hippo Regius, iconography, mosaic, antiquity urban development, maritime city


The study of ancient cities is of great importance in understanding today's cities. Information on the way of life of
ancient populations and urban organization in this period can be obtained from various archaeological elements
unearthed, particularly in mosaics and iconography, which prove to be loaded with symbols and meanings. This
study aims to highlight the role of archaeological sources in the representation of architectural and urban elements,
and to interpret their symbolism and significant imprint. For this purpose, the research takes as its case study the
Hippo seafront mosaic dating from the 3rd century A.D., which represents Hippo Regius, currently the city of Annaba
in Algeria, founded in the 3rd century BC as a roman colony on the Mediterranean coast. Reading the mosaic has
enriched our knowledge of the city of Hippo, providing visual information on its landscape, architecture, socioeconomic activities, and importance as a seaport. Its credibility was demonstrated using a comparative approach that compares the depicted details with evidence from archaeological, historical, and iconographic discoveries.


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How to Cite

Sabrina, A., Houglaouene, D., & Ait-Aoudia, M. N. (2024). Urban Development in the City of Hippo Regius in Algeria according to Ancient Iconography. Case Study of the Mosaic of the Seafront Villa. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 1029–1038. https://doi.org/10.38027/ICCAUA2024EN0171