Sustainable Tourism by Promoting the Popular Culture of Hammam as a Tangible and Intangible Heritage Case Study: Damascus City


  • Ph.D. Scholar Abeer Sanyour Department of Architecture, Planning and Design , IIT BHU Varanasi, India
  • Assis. Prof. Dr. Kumar Abhishek Department of Architecture, Planning and Design , IIT BHU Varanasi, India



Sustainable tourism, Popular bath, intangible heritage, tangible heritage


The concepts of tourism have varied to take into account sustainability as a comprehensive approach to achieving
goals, Serious attempts also appear to include the concept of tangible and intangible cultural heritage fundamentally
in all sustainability goals and planning levels. This research will present the concepts of tourism within the framework
of sustainability and its most important applied principles, focusing on the popular baths as an element of cultural
heritage, the research started from the gap in the relationship of these Hammams to tourism and culture,While these
Hammams have been achieved in the past societal change through the art and rituals that occur in the popular bath,
they suffer today from neglect, and some of them are closed or abandone . Based on the literature review Which
studied successful examples of Damascus baths, such as the experience of rehabilitating the Ammouneh bath as a
successful project, and Through field observation of the reality of several popular baths , the paper attempts to discuss
the Damascene experience and the role of the popular bath (Hammam) as an authentic cultural heritage in sustainable
tourism in cities and in people. 


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How to Cite

Sanyour, A., & Abhishek, K. (2024). Sustainable Tourism by Promoting the Popular Culture of Hammam as a Tangible and Intangible Heritage Case Study: Damascus City. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 1150–1159.