Designing Living Spaces That Trigger Creativity Through The Senses: An Architectural Design Studio Experience


  • Dr. Senem Müştak Sevindik Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Kocaeli University, Türkiye



Housing, Creativity, Senses, Architectural Design Studio, Architectural Education


Architecture emerged with the basic need for shelter and has been shaped within the framework of life and sociocultural needs from the first human being to the present day. Houses, as living spaces, are shaped by human life.
Houses can directly affect the lives and emotions of individuals. Many studies on this subject have shown that houses
have a great influence on individuals. Based on this context, Kocaeli University Department of Architecture, second
year, first semester Architectural Design 1 course was shaped by the question of whether the spaces that will trigger
the creativity that an artist and his/her family need within the framework of their needs can be designed through the
senses. Within the scope of the study, it is aimed to discuss and evaluate three projects worked on during a semester
and to present a multisensory design approach to the artist’s residence.


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How to Cite

Sevindik, S. M. (2024). Designing Living Spaces That Trigger Creativity Through The Senses: An Architectural Design Studio Experience. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 1268–1281.