E-ISSN: 3023-7009
Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.
Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.
An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.
Below are the guidelines for submitting manuscripts to Smart Design Policies. Please note that all authors must carefully follow these instructions to avoid desk rejection or delays in the review process.
Before Beginning the Submission Process
We recommend that prospective authors familiarize themselves with the journal’s section policies and Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. You must register with Smart Design Policies before submitting a manuscript; if already registered, simply log in and begin the five-step online submission procedure. All submissions should adhere to the standards of Smart Design Policies. Submissions failing to meet these criteria may be declined without peer review.
New Submissions
All new manuscripts should be submitted via our online platform. You will be guided step by step in creating and uploading your documents, ensuring a more efficient editorial workflow, peer review process, and eventual publication.
Please submit your article through our journal’s submission portal.
Minimum Submission Requirements
To initiate the review process, authors are required to upload at least three files:
Ensure that all authors have an ORCID iD and that your ORCID profile is up to date. This allows our editors to verify your previous work. You can register for an ORCID iD at https://orcid.org.
Submission Preparation Checklist
Before submitting your work, confirm that:
Note: Your submission will be evaluated for originality via CrossCheck. More information can be found on the CrossCheck Plagiarism Screening System.
Manuscript Structure
Your manuscript should include the following major sections:
After the Conclusions and before the References, please include:
Literature Citations: Manuscripts lacking adequate and up-to-date references risk immediate rejection. Ensure you cite current and relevant research in the field.
Language Clarity: The manuscript should be written clearly and intelligibly for an international readership. If possible, have a native English speaker or a professional editor with subject-matter expertise review your text.
Content Relevance: The paper’s subject matter should align with the title and fall within the scope of Smart Design Policies.
Grant Support: If any grants or financial support were provided, acknowledge them appropriately.
Article Subdivision: Number sections and subsections sequentially (e.g., 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.). The abstract should not be numbered.
In-text Citations: Every reference cited in the main text must appear in the reference list, and all references listed should be cited in the text. Avoid citations in the abstract.
Reference List: Arrange references alphabetically (and chronologically if necessary).
Reference Style: Please use APA (7th edition). Include DOI numbers where available. Prefer references from the last five years and refrain from using unverified web sources.
Tip: Reference management tools like EndNote, Mendeley, or Microsoft Word’s built-in referencing feature can help keep citations consistent.
Formatting: Prepare manuscripts in Microsoft Word (A4 size). Use Times New Roman, 12-point font for the abstract, keywords, and main text. The text (including references and appendices) should not exceed 8,000 words. Use italics for emphasis or quotations.
Important: Manuscripts that do not conform to these formatting requirements may be returned without consideration.
Your final manuscript should be organized as follows:
Provide a concise and meaningful title that reflects the core contribution of your work. Restrict the title to no more than 15 words. Avoid abbreviations or acronyms in the title.
Offer a single-paragraph summary (up to 200 words) that outlines:
Avoid acronyms, tables, figures, in-text citations, or extraneous details in the abstract.
Writing Tips:
Include 4–6 keywords, each composed of two to three words (e.g., “urban sustainability strategies”). Avoid single-word keywords to reduce irrelevant search hits. Spell out any acronyms.
Provide a few brief bullet points (each 75 characters or fewer) that summarize:
Note: Highlights are required for submission.
Contribution to the Field Statement
In about 50 words, succinctly describe your manuscript’s unique contribution to existing scholarship. Emphasize the novelty and significance of your findings in a manner accessible to both specialists and non-specialists.
Set the stage for your research by:
Tip: Finalize the introduction after completing the other sections.
Supply detailed information to allow replication of your study. If your methods have been published before, cite the original source and note any modifications.
Present findings objectively, without interpretation.
Explain the meaning and implications of your results.
Concisely summarize your main conclusions.
Recognize individuals and organizations that contributed to your work but do not qualify for authorship.
Clearly state any financial support or grant details.
CRediT Author Statement
To enhance transparency, outline the specific contributions of each author according to the CRediT taxonomy (e.g., Conceptualization, Data Curation). For further details and role descriptions, refer to widely available CRediT guidelines.
Conflict of Interests
Disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest. If there are none, include a statement such as, “The author(s) have no conflicts of interest to declare.”
Data Availability Statement
Specify where and how the data supporting your findings can be accessed. If relevant, include links or DOIs for repositories. For additional information on drafting these statements, consult standard data availability guidelines.
If you have more than one appendix, label them A, B, and so on. Number any equations independently within each appendix and apply the same approach for tables and figures.
Footnotes and Abbreviations
Use footnotes sparingly. They should only include ancillary text if absolutely necessary. Whenever abbreviations appear in tables or figures, provide a clear explanation either in the table caption or figure legend.
Responding to Reviewers’ Comments
When you receive feedback requesting revisions—whether substantial or minor—it means the editorial team sees value in your submission to Smart Design Policies. Although revisions can be demanding, you should strategize carefully to address every point raised by the reviewers and editors:
Minimum Requirements for Submitting the Revised Manuscript
When you are ready to resubmit, please ensure that you include the following:
These documents are critical to expedite the review. Thank you for your cooperation.
What Authors Should Do During Revision
Selectively Address Comments: Even if you believe a comment is minor, showing your willingness to accommodate feedback reflects positively on your openness.
Document Changes Clearly: Use tracked changes or highlighting to show exactly what was altered.
Maintain Separate Versions: Keep your tracked-changes file apart from the clean version of the manuscript.
Individual Responses: Address each point raised by reviewers separately, justifying your approach if you choose not to implement a suggestion.
Be Comprehensive: Provide a thorough response to each comment.
Stay Appreciative: Thank the reviewers and editors for their time and input. They are volunteering their efforts to refine your work.
Remain Courteous in Disagreements: If you disagree with a reviewer, present your stance respectfully and back it with evidence or supplementary materials.
What Authors Should Avoid During Revision
Overlooking Comments: Do not ignore issues raised by reviewers. Either make the requested changes or explain why you did not.
Ending with Generic Remarks: Avoid concluding with broad statements such as, “Thank you for reviewing our paper.” Instead, emphasize specific revisions you have made.
Blaming Reviewers for Confusion: If the reviewer did not understand something, clarify your writing rather than assuming reviewer error.
One-Word Replies: Even for minor edits, describe what was corrected. For bigger concerns, consider providing an apology if a significant error was identified.
Evasive Behavior: Do not sidestep direct questions. Failing to answer specific concerns could result in rejection.
Vague Descriptions of Changes: Rather than saying, “We have made the changes,” detail the exact nature of the edits.
Personalizing Comments: Maintain a professional, objective tone and do not take critique personally.
Further Reading and Guidance
Reference Style
Manuscripts submitted to Smart Design Policies should follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition. This style is frequently used in social sciences and related fields. For specific details, we recommend consulting the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) or reputable online resources.
Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Translated Books
Book Reviews
Theses and Dissertations
Conference Papers
Newspaper and Magazine Articles
Electronic Resources
Lecture Notes and Presentations
Press Releases
Blog Posts
Social Media Posts
Dictionary or Encyclopedia Entries
Organizational Reports
Webpages and Online Documents
Note: For additional details on proper APA formatting, please consult official APA resources or the websites of accredited universities and libraries.
Number of Authors in In-text Citations
Citing References in the Text
Referencing Tables and Figures in the Text
Use their designated numbers:
Direct Quotes in APA Style
Include author, date, and page number:
Abbreviations in APA References
Some common abbreviations include:
Reference Management Software
We recommend using tools like Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero to streamline citation and reference list formatting.
English Editing and Proofreading
Manuscripts must be presented in clear, professional English. Authors who are not native English speakers should consider expert editing or language review by a colleague with domain expertise.
Tip: Use Microsoft Word’s “Track Changes” feature for proofreading. Provide both a clean final version and a marked-up version showing the edits.
After Acceptance
Online Proof Correction
A PDF proof will be sent to the corresponding author. Please review it thoroughly for any errors or final adjustments. Prompt approval or correction of the proof will help ensure timely publication of your article in Smart Design Policies.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
Section default policy
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
We are committed to safeguarding the personal information you provide when engaging with this journal. Any names, email addresses, or other contact details collected through this platform will be used solely for the operational and scholarly purposes of the journal. Specifically, we may use this information to:
Your personal information will not be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed to any third parties outside of the journal’s editorial and administrative teams, unless legally required to do so. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.
By providing your information, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to these terms. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handling of your personal data, please contact our editorial office. We will address your inquiries promptly and ensure that any privacy-related issues are resolved to your satisfaction.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA
E-ISSN: 3023-7009
Serial type: Journal
Frequency: Annually (July)
Publisher: Alanya Üniversitesi, https://www.alanyauniversity.edu.tr/
Postal Address: Alanya University, Cikcilli District, Saraybeleni Street No:7 07400, Alanya/Antalya/TURKEY
Licensing History:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license CC-BY / @Authors.
Publication Medium: Electronic version
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hourakhsh A. Nia
First Year Published: 2018
The DOI Prefix allotted for JCUA is 10.38027
Content-Type: Academic/Scholarly
Key Features: Abstracted and Indexed, Refereed, Double-Blind Peer Review.
This Journal is published through an Open Journal System as part of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP).
This Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)