Graph Database Modelling on Malay Architecture IFC Data


  • Muhammad Ariful Furqon Universitas Jember, Department of Information System, Jember, Indonesia
  • Gun Faisal
  • Nina Fadilah Najwa



Graph Database, Malay Architecture, Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), Building information modelling (BIM), Preserving Cultural Architecture


Architecture is the manifestation of society and its cultural practice. Preserving the architecture is an important thing
that must be done both physically and digitally. One of the architectural cultures that must be preserved is Malay
architecture. A method to preserve Malay architecture is to model it in the form of a graph database. Graph
databases have shown excellent capabilities in understanding and accessing complex and rich datasets in many
different domains. In this study, a graph database was modelled on the Malay architecture's Industry Foundation
Classes (IFC) data. The methodologies used in this study were: (1) generate Malay architecture's IFC from Building
information modelling (BIM) software; (2) Parse IFC; (3) IFC meta-data graph modelling; and (4) IFC object graph
modelling. The expected result of this research is a graph database modelling which will be developed further by
defining queries to solve problems of Malay architectural models.


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How to Cite

Ariful Furqon, M., Faisal, G., & Fadilah Najwa, N. (2021). Graph Database Modelling on Malay Architecture IFC Data. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 50–55.