Fortified Structures in Cilician An Evaluation on Conservation Problems


  • Derya Sökmen Kök Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Adana, Türkiye
  • Yegan Kahya Sayar Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Türkiye



Cilicia, Fortified Structures, Late Medieval Ages, Sustainability, Conservation Problems


Cilicia has been considered as a settlement territory for centuries due to its location that connects Anatolia to Mesopotamia as well as its favourable geographical conditions. In the region where various civilizations wanted to take control, fortified structres were needed since ancient ages in order to ensure the security of roads, agricultural areas, important centers and the people due to conflicts, invasions and wars. Especially, when long-term peace and security could not be maintained, existing buildings were renewed and new ones were built. These monumental structures are extremely valuable with their unique architecture that fits the features of the topography, cultural layers and fortified systems. Therefore, it is important to ensure their sustainability. However, while some of the buildings try to survive despite various adverse effects, some of them are in danger of disappearing. Presenting individual fortresses together as a joint cultural heritage in the context of their common geographical and historical characteristics, preserving them with a shared approach, and securing their sustainability are only possible with the identification of the current problems. In this context, the study includes the evaluation and results of the data obtained from the area regarding the conservation problems of these structures.


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How to Cite

Sökmen Kök, D., & Kahya Sayar, Y. (2021). Fortified Structures in Cilician An Evaluation on Conservation Problems. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 581–588.