Research of Public Housing in Chiayi Trend of Universal Design


  • Ya-hsuan Lee National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Graduate Student of Architecture and Interior Design, Yunlin, Taiwan
  • Hsiao-Chien Kao National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Architecture and Interior Design, Yunlin, Taiwan
  • Yen-Ming Huang National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Architecture and Interior Design, Yunlin, Taiwan



Chiayi, Public housing, Built Environment, Urban Design, Residential building safety


Chiayi City was the first city built in Taiwan. Under Japanese colonial rule t, Chiayi City became the second densely populated city in Taiwan due to Alishan Forestry. In recent years, Chiayi City Government has promoted urban renewal, improved the living environment, and enhanced urban functions as the main goals of urban development. Expediting the reconstruction of unsafe and old buildings in the urban planning district is its specific plan. The built public housing in Chiayi has reached an expected useful life, and the building safety and quality of life do not meet the current needs for the residential environment any longer, which leads to the gradually migration of the population in these areas. This research will take the trendy design of open building to address new design concepts of a new public housing for to facilitating residential building safety and improving environmental quality in Chiayi City.


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How to Cite

Lee, Y.- hsuan, Kao, H.-C., & Huang, Y.-M. (2021). Research of Public Housing in Chiayi Trend of Universal Design. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 602–609.