Challenges for The Implementation of The Regulatory Framework of Urban Land Regularization in Brazil’s Federal District


  • Denise de Campos Gouvêa Secretariat for Urban Development and Housing – SEDUH, Brasilia, Brazil
  • Letícia Pacheco dos Passos Claro Secretariat for Urban Development and Housing – SEDUH, Brasilia, Brazil



Urban Land Regularization, Informal Occupation, Urban Policy, Private Property, Real Estate Market


This article seeks to reflect on the current legal framework for urban land regularization, Federal Law No. 13,465/2017, and to explore the challenges of Brazil’s Federal District, the country's capital, to implement this recent Law. Questions about the proposed new paradigms that favor a privatist logic of urban property characterized especially from an asset in the financial market and with great profitability. This research also exposes the methodology for identifying informal settlements with urban characteristics in the Federal District, especially the areas with the most vulnerable population, to subsidize the inclusion of new areas of urban land regularization in the local regulatory framework.


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How to Cite

de Campos Gouvêa, D., & Pacheco dos Passos Claro, L. (2021). Challenges for The Implementation of The Regulatory Framework of Urban Land Regularization in Brazil’s Federal District. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 621–631.