Learning from Traditional House Architecture During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process


  • Emriye Kazaz Atatürk University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Erzurum, Turkey




Pandemic, Contemporary House, Traditional House, Flexible Space


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many areas of life to a halt, from basic service areas such as education and health to social and cultural life and it caused people to isolate themselves from the outside world and to be locked in their homes for more than a year. In the dynamism of modern life, the houses used like hotels have become spaces such as workplaces, schools, sports halls and also isolation for individuals with infections in addition to the usual needs. Unfortunately, modern houses designed for certain basic needs of nuclear families have been insufficient to meet all these needs in pandemic conditions that suddenly emerged unexpectedly. However, traditional houses, with their spaces that allow different functions and flexible plan layouts, contain many design phenomena that are needed today. In this study, traditional Anatolian residential architecture will be examined in terms of plan solutions and spatial features, and inferences and evaluations will be made for the flexibility phenomenon and transformable spaces required by modern housing.


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How to Cite

Kazaz, E. (2021). Learning from Traditional House Architecture During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 687–694. https://doi.org/10.38027/ICCAUA2021305N8