A Social Media Supported Distance Education Application for the Building Cost Course Given in Civil Engineering Education During the COVID 19 Quarantine


  • Latif Onur Uğur Düzce University, Faculty of Engineering, Düzce, Turkey
  • Kadir Penbe Düzce University, Faculty of Engineering, Düzce, Turkey




Distance Education, Building Cost Course, Civil Engineering Education, COVID 19, Social Media in Education


A distance education application in Düzce University within the Fall Semester, which started in September 2020, constitutes the main subject of this study. 118 students chose the Construction Cost course, which is one of the fourth year elective courses in Civil Engineering, this term. In addition to the lectures given within the Düzce University Distance Education Center (UZEM), different applications have been made / made through a social media (Whatsapp) group in which all students participated. With the help of additional videos, audio and written messages, an application was made based on increasing the communication opportunities with the participant students, teachers and other students, and developing a civil engineering culture. By increasing motivation with research assignments including construction industry practices and problems, monitoring documentary construction projects, interesting photographs and videos; The aim is to follow a lesson close to formal education for students who are encouraged to learn by experiencing the lesson, to make participatory practices, and to discuss their findings. In the meantime, the importance of first degree health protection was emphasized with information sharing and recommendations on the importance of compliance with COVID 19 measures. It was preferred to reinforce the importance of Self-Learning / Study practices.


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How to Cite

Onur Uğur, L., & Penbe, K. (2021). A Social Media Supported Distance Education Application for the Building Cost Course Given in Civil Engineering Education During the COVID 19 Quarantine. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 695–704. https://doi.org/10.38027/ICCAUA2021TR0030N9