Visual Character of the Area Support Corridor: Case Study of the Great Mosque of Palembang


  • Endang Sri Lestari Indo Global Mandiri University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Palembang, Indonesia Sriwijaya University, Engineering Science Doctoral Student Faculty of Engineering, Palembang, Indonesia



Visual Characters, Corridors, City Center


The Great Mosque of Palembang is one of the city centers, which visually is accessed by a corridor that gives value to the quality of the area, so it has the title, "Palembang City Center". By looking at the evaluation between the visual components of the mass composition in the corridor leading to an area, it can be seen the description of its character in supporting a regional center. Seeing visual signs through the arrangement and relationships between elements for each corridor, how to adjust the components of the visual system to one another, and what signs can appear in the visuals that will determine these components to be part of a system, so that they can manage character visually in support of a central area.


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How to Cite

Sri Lestari, E. (2021). Visual Character of the Area Support Corridor: Case Study of the Great Mosque of Palembang. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 4(1), 398–402.