Influence of the Hinduism Religion on Architectural Identity of Hindu Temple


  • Nadereh Afzhool Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • Ayten Özsavas Akçay Near East University, Faculty of Architecture, Nicosia, Cyprus



Religion, Hinduism, Architectural Identity, Temple, Hindu, Mandala


Architecture is a process, result of design and conception of needs and means. Chronicles demonstrate religious architecture has been beginning many centuries ago. Religion indirect ways impact every single part of the supporters' architectural life. In Hinduism , devotee has natural connection to the divine, so Hindu architecture temples are based on this standard, have constant plan from existence which is called mandala diagram , made of one square divided into eighty-one smaller squares, which describes environmental negative and positive energy and God is middle of big square, each part of God shows different energy and related to the special architectural space, and elements position which is effect on circulation space of the temple, Aim of this paper tries to figure out the effect of Hinduism religion on the architectural identity of Hindu temple. The study will show how Hindu temples are shaped by Hinduism God from architectural point of view.


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How to Cite

Afzhool, N., & Özsavas Akçay, A. (2022). Influence of the Hinduism Religion on Architectural Identity of Hindu Temple. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 5(1), 270–278.