The Neglected River: Bridging the West & the East


  • Beril Özmen Adana Science and Technology University, Turkey
  • Melike Ezgi Gençoğlan Adana Science and Technology University, Turkey
  • Zahide Rüveyda Sertkaya Adana Science and Technology University, Turkey



Boundaries, East & West Riverbanks, Bridges, Urban Integrity, Adana


In our era, borders have disappeared due to the intensity of human mobility and interaction. In fact, existing borders on maps are defined by political, economic, and cultural agreements. Meanwhile, territorial boundaries are -consist of both concrete and organic components- in a constant change and unlikely to determine their limits precisely. Urban territories have usually undergone unplanned developments through population growth. This situation constructs a drastic impact on urban expansion so that some parts emerging as non-organized areas, which indicate disconnections, and causing divided districts and territories in the same city margins. This study aimed ait to investigate issues, which influence Adana City by the River Seyhan as a natural element. Actually, the river should have been the most important element for the development of the city, however, it is perceived as a factor that divides and limits the city, not a connecting one. Thus, one may think of the river has left unattended while Adana struggles with problems with transportation, the community, the social life, and culture within its development. Therefore, literature review and realities of urban districts throughout the historical development will be explored in terms of bridging the city. 


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How to Cite

Özmen, B., Gençoğlan, M. E., & Rüveyda Sertkaya, Z. (2019). The Neglected River: Bridging the West & the East. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 2(1), 212–224.