Method for Assessing the Urban Comfort of Use in the Public Squares in Annaba -Algeria


  • Amine BENZERARA Architecture and urbanism laboratory, Depart: architecture, university of Badji Mokhata Annaba -Algeria



urban comfort, public squares, sustainable urban development, best reading grid


This reflection proposes to define a method of evaluation of urban comfort of use "ME UCU" in the public places, constituting a tool of aid to the decision and the design. The search for urban comfort in general is doubly inscribed in the sustainable urban development approach as well as in the political will of the country like Algeria, which dates back more than 20 years. The application of the intermediate phase method on the construction program of the public squares in Annaba – Town of eastern Algeria - is based on a best reading grid made up of evaluation indicators representative of the urban comfort of use in public places. It highlights the failures of the projects already carried out; and on the other hand, it improves the practices of the architectural design of public squares.


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How to Cite

BENZERARA, A. (2019). Method for Assessing the Urban Comfort of Use in the Public Squares in Annaba -Algeria. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 2(1), 336–350.