The Appropriation of Privative Space as a Satisfier: Case Study in Daboussi Algiers


  • Nadia Benlakehal Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria
  • Ouafa Saïghi Laboratory “Architecture, Ville, Métiers et Formation”, Salah Boubnider University, Constantine, Algeria
  • Malika Lebdiri Polytechnic school of architecture and urbanism, Algiers, Algeria



Privative space, Obstruction, Mass housing, Max-Neef’s human needs theory


As the city branding is getting more important on worldwide scale, visual pollution is spreading all over our country, partially caused by spatial transformation in housing. This research aims to study privative space appropriation in Algiers mass housing, by conducting a social survey among 50 residents, in the district of Daboussi, Algiers. Looking at the phenomenon as satisfier, key-concept in Max-Neef’s human needs theory. The conducted investigation through a non-participatory observation, the inventory of physical objects in privative spaces and the interview, reveals physical and symbolic markings, each fitting with a specific satisfier. All this data is then classified into exogenous or endogenous satisfiers. Among the results of this work, designed privative space in mass housing appears as exogenous satisfier (privacy inhibiting satisfier), and the appropriation (experienced space) represents a way to switch this exogenous character into an endogenous one. This analysis helps in defining the outline of a better-adapted typology to our society.


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How to Cite

Benlakehal, N., Saïghi, O., & Lebdiri, M. (2019). The Appropriation of Privative Space as a Satisfier: Case Study in Daboussi Algiers. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 2(1), 309–320.