Innovative Planned Unit Redevelopment: A Legal Review


  • Bruce Frankel Urban Planning, Director, Real Estate Development Programs, Ball State University, USA


Planned Unit Redevelopment, Planned Unit Development, urban redevelopment, suburban redevelopment, land use controls, mixed-use development, infill development, windfalls for/ and wipeouts, consortium agreements, transfer development rights, consumer/ investor-based cooperatives, spot zoning, form-based regulation, substantive due process


Examined is the regulation and execution of urban/ suburban redevelopment in the planned unit form, a PUR ordinance template, the varied means to formulate and implement the PUR through innovative forms of cooperation among land owners as well as regulated compensation for windfalls and wipeouts, and a review of case studies. There is a compelling need for new regulatory instruments to address the demands of urban and now suburban renewal, and the emerging market demand for mixed-use, infill redevelopment. Here redevelopment preserves existing uses and repurposes others in a planned manner that adds value to the redeveloper[s] and mitigates existing zoning hindrances. This new form is with challenges, addressed through various techniques of land value capture and compensation, including tax/ subsidies, consumer/ investor-based cooperatives, and the incorporation of a neighborhood site/ re-platted plan into zoning. Indeed, this incorporation into zoning accommodates redevelopment flexibility while making obsolete the redeveloper and promoting individual builders and investors. Regarding PUD’s/ PUR’s legal review the issue of the constitutionality of regulatory form-based manuals and parcel-specific distinctions as to land use. Such challenges can be withstood if they adhere to jurisprudential standard of rightful use of legislative power or its delegation to an administrative agency/ official.


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How to Cite

Frankel, B. (2018). Innovative Planned Unit Redevelopment: A Legal Review. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 1(1), 1–26. Retrieved from