Analyzing the Energy Usage and Carbon Emission in Office Administrative Block: A Case Study of KTG Linton University Administrative Block, Malaysia


  • Muhammad Auwal Ahmad Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus
  • Halil Zafer Alibaba Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus


Energy intensity, carbon dioxide emission, energy usage, Revit energy Analysis


It is now recognized that this world of mankind has a serious danger to the global climate, and therefore urgent action is needed to address it. One of the key steps is to reduce the amount of energy and carbon dioxide emissions. The objective of this study is to make an experiment on factors contributing the energy usage of the Administrative block including carbon emission in KTG Education Group University Malaysia, and evaluating the case study using Revit Energy Analysis. While many countries have recognized the importance of the role of Revit energy analysis in energy usage and reduction of carbon emissions, Energy analysis from start to finish. Analyzing a complete or near-final design has little or no effect on a building’s operational energy performance. The use of the Administrative Building as case study is to analyze the energy intensity and calculate the carbon emission in the selected room. Two simulations will be performed. The first simulation is based on the existing room and the second is based on improved building design envelope. This paper outlines the result of the two simulations. The Energy Used Intensity (EUI) of the existing room used 284 kWh. 


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How to Cite

Auwal Ahmad, M., & Zafer Alibaba, H. (2018). Analyzing the Energy Usage and Carbon Emission in Office Administrative Block: A Case Study of KTG Linton University Administrative Block, Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 1(1), 217–239. Retrieved from