Characterizing Two Types of Urban Air and Surface Heat Island according to Urban Design -Case of Casablanca Neighborhoods-


  • Dr. Laila El Ghazouani School of Architecture, Planning and Design, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Ben Guerir 43150, Morocco
  • Full Prof. Majid Mansour Laboratory of Sustainability in Architecture and Urban Planning, National School of Architecture, Madinat Al Irfan Instituts, Rabat 10001, Morocco
  • Full Prof. Hassan Radoine School of Architecture, Planning and Design, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Ben Guerir 43150, Morocco
  • Associate Chief Dr Lahouari Bounoua Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
  • Dr Kenza Khomsi National Meteorology Headquarters, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Dr Khalil Idrissi Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Ben Guerir 43150, Morocco
  • Full Prof. Hassane Jarar Oulidi Hassania School of Public Works, Casablanca, Morocco



Air temperature, Land Surface Temperature, Urban climate, Urban design, Urban Heat Island


The urban heat island (UHI) is a recognized signature of the urban climate, however beyond this characterization; it is
still a relevant phenomenon to study in urban design. In this paper, we seek to characterize UHI in differing urban
forms, comparing air and surface temperatures to characterize Air UHI (AUHI) and Surface UHI (SUHI) respectively.
The analysis site corresponds to the districts of Casablanca, Morocco's largest city, covering coastal and central
neighborhoods with different urban planning styles. We used land surface temperatures (LST) from the Landsat-8
satellite and both observed and simulated air temperatures from the Copernicus reanalysis. We argue that LST is
always higher than air temperature and that there is a shift between SUHI and AUHI that we have quantified for
daytime and nighttime monitoring. We also concluded that UHI depends on four criteria: location, land use, building
height, and road width.


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How to Cite

El Ghazouani, L., Mansour, M., Radoine, H., Bounoua, L., Khomsi, K., Idrissi, K., & Oulidi, H. J. (2024). Characterizing Two Types of Urban Air and Surface Heat Island according to Urban Design -Case of Casablanca Neighborhoods-. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 430–437.