Public Space in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. Analyzing Parks: El Capitán, Clouthier, and La Silla


  • Prof. Dr. Sindy Melissa Godínez De León School of Architecture and Habitat Science, Universidad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
  • BSc. Research Assistant Andrea Sofia Gámez López School of Architecture and Habitat Science, Universidad de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México



Parks, urban space, space in Monterrey, metropolitan area, urban equipment


Urban parks have a significant impact on citizens' daily lives. Parks have become a visual attraction within the city, creating
opportunities for cultural enrichment and promoting diversity in social activities. It is well known that cities worldwide
have parks of different scales, with various urban equipment and functions. The present study was developed in
Monterrey, México, where three different types of urban parks and their future projection were analyzed and compared.
The article explores the sectors currently operating in these public spaces and which are best received by users. To this
end, surveys were carried out, and direct users were asked about the frequency of use of the parks. This methodology
allowed us to map the busiest places and make suggestions for the 2030 master plan of the municipalities. For the study,
the parks selected were Río la Silla, Capitán, and Clouthier. The aim was to observe and document the effect that each of
them has on the daily dynamics of Monterrey's public space.


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How to Cite

Godínez De León, S. M., & Gámez López, A. S. (2024). Public Space in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey. Analyzing Parks: El Capitán, Clouthier, and La Silla. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 7(1), 650–658.