Planning, management and strategies for the light rail transit Case of the tramway of Constantine Algeria


  • Elafri Nedjwa AVMF laboratory, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Salah BoubniderConstantine03 University, Constantine, Algeria
  • Lalmi Abdallah AVMF laboratory, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Salah BoubniderConstantine03 University, Constantine, Algeria
  • Sassi Boudmagh Souad 3AVMF laboratory, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Salah BoubniderConstantine03 University, Constantine, Algeria


transport, tramway, management, Constantine


Railway transport is an attractive choice for any heavily traveled corridor, as it is the mode of urban travel which could best move people consistent with the local requirements. When the requirements of passenger travel in a major city are served by rail transport on a regular basis, the service is referred to as rail transit. The Light Rail Transit (LRT) systems are being used increasingly in urban areas all over the world as a mode of rail based public transport. It can be developed in stages from a modern tramway that shares its right-of-way with other traffic to a rapid transit system operating on its own exclusive. In Algeria, the decongestion of cities necessarily involves the establishment of public transport that meets the standards of quality, hygiene, comfort and safety, emphasized, particularly in Constantine. Since "the launch of a large urban project is considered as one of the tools for the implementation of metropolises planning and developing strategies, the Project for the Modernization of Constantine PMMC as the majority of large urban projects throughout the world, is constituted of several structuring ambitious projects which all have the same objective like tramway. 


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How to Cite

Nedjwa, E., Abdallah, L., & Boudmagh Souad, S. (2018). Planning, management and strategies for the light rail transit Case of the tramway of Constantine Algeria. Proceedings of the International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism-ICCAUA, 1(1), 551–578. Retrieved from